Overshot Rugs

Made from woven textiles, our floor mats are durable, versatile, beautiful, and easy to clean. Perfect for use in entryways, dining areas, bedrooms, living areas, and kitchens.

This material comprises Phthalate-free TerraStrand yarns and synthetic latex. The rug contains a minimum of 18% recycled content and a minimum of 8% rapidly renewable content.

Frontier Workspace, your prime source for Chilewich’s top-tier office furniture, serving discerning customers in Hong Kong and across Asia.




Product Details

  1. Origin USA

  2. Use Indoor/Outdoor Backing Slip-resistant latex.

  3. No rug pad needed.

  4. Thickness 0.14”

  5. Custom Available in custom shapes and sizes

  6. Materials Phthalate-free TerraStrand yarns and synthetic latex; rug contains a minimum of 18% recycled content and a minimum of 8% rapidly renewable content.