
Launched in 2014, Orangebox’s award-winning Air³ acoustic pod can act as a freestanding meeting room, private space, phone booth or touchdown room.

The Air³ combines new materials with a wider range of finishes and the most advanced room system on the market, all of which helps make it the world’s most complete pod system.

Air³ has been designed as a scalable system, able to work globally. Its internationally patented opening roof system features an advanced fire safety system developed specifically for sprinklered office and other environments.

Interchangeable panels allow you to refresh your Air³ at will, swapping, changing and refreshing colours and fabrics to make it unique. Its combination of high quality glass and soft acoustic panelling delivers both a refined aesthetic and a high level of insulation and speech privacy.

Frontier Workspace is your destination for Steelcase’s high-quality, functional, and aesthetically pleasing office furniture, enriching workspaces in Hong Kong and across Asia.



Designing Air³

“The acoustic pod was born to address two core issues relating to open plan environments: firstly, the need for physical and acoustic privacy, and secondly, the need for internal rooms. We knew that if we were able to redefine what was meant by an internal room, it would be a game changer.”



Air³ Design & Engineering Team