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Introducing Orangebox Air3, a versatile and innovative solution for modern office environments in Hong Kong. Launched in 2014, the Air3 acoustic pod offers unparalleled flexibility, serving as a freestanding meeting room, private space, phone booth, or touchdown room. With its award-winning design, Air3 combines new materials with a wide range of finishes to create the most advanced pod system on the market.

Designed to be scalable and adaptable to various environments globally, Air3 features an internationally patented opening roof system with an advanced fire safety system, ensuring compliance with safety standards in sprinklered office settings. The interchangeable panels of Air3 allow for easy customization, enabling users to refresh the pod with different colors and fabrics to suit changing preferences and aesthetics. Additionally, the combination of high-quality glass and soft acoustic paneling in Air3 delivers not only a refined aesthetic but also superior insulation and speech privacy, creating a conducive environment for meetings and focused work.

Like all Orangebox pods, Air3 is demountable, providing the flexibility to be moved, repositioned, or reused according to evolving workspace needs. Frontier Workspace, as the premiere supplier of Steelcase in Hong Kong, proudly offers a range of Air3 pods that cater to both small and large private meeting spaces. Moreover, Air3 pods come with a variety of integrated tabling solutions designed specifically to enhance functionality and collaboration within the pod environment.

At Frontier Workspace, our commitment to delivering high-performing and environmentally-conscious furniture solutions is unwavering. Since 1993, we have curated a comprehensive range of products and services from over 70 of the world’s most innovative brands from Europe and North America. Through close collaboration with our partners and factories, we strive to create workspace solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients.

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